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Text Analysis and Manipulation Tools

Text Analysis and Manipulation Tools - EZCalcio

Text Analysis and Manipulation Tools

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Text Analyzer

Analyze text for various metrics and patterns. Gain insights into your writing style and content structure.

Analyze Text
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration LOL: Laugh Out Loud ASAP: As Soon As Possible

Acronym Generator

Generate acronyms from phrases or words. Create memorable abbreviations for your projects or organizations.

Generate Acronyms
Characters: 123 Words: 25 Sentences: 2

Character Counter

Count characters, words, and sentences in your text. Perfect for content creators and social media posts.

Count Characters
# Heading 1 ## Heading 2 **Bold text** *Italic text* - List item 1 - List item 2

Markdown Editor

Write and preview Markdown-formatted text. Create beautifully formatted documents with ease.

Edit Markdown
Flesch-Kincaid: 65.2 Gunning Fog: 10.8 SMOG: 9.4

Readability Score Calculator

Calculate the readability of your text using various metrics. Ensure your content is accessible to your target audience.

Calculate Readability
Words: 250 Characters: 1423 Paragraphs: 5

Word Count Tool

Count words, characters, and paragraphs in your text. Perfect for essays, articles, and content planning.

Count Words
UPPERCASE lowercase Title Case Sentence case

Text Case Converter

Convert text between different letter cases. Quickly format your text for various writing styles and needs.

Convert Case